Moving house isn’t something most of us do every day, and that’s why it can feel a bit overwhelming. But, hey, it doesn’t have to be. Let’s make your move easier with ten tried-and-true tips that will save you time, money, and perhaps even a little sanity.
1. Start Packing Early (Seriously, Way Earlier Than You Think)
It’s tempting to put off packing until the last minute, but trust us—packing takes longer than you’d think. Start with items you don’t use daily, like winter clothes in the middle of summer, books, or that extra set of fancy dishes. The earlier you start, the less pressure you’ll feel as the move date approaches.
Moving is the perfect opportunity to clear out anything you aren’t using. Why haul that old box of wires you’ve kept ‘just in case’? The fewer items you pack, the less you have to unpack. Plus, getting rid of things you don’t need can be surprisingly freeing. Donate, sell, or bin what’s unnecessary—it’s a great way to lighten the load and save space and money!
Labelling isn’t just about writing ‘kitchen’ on a box. Be specific—‘kitchen: cups and mugs’ is more helpful when you’re digging for that first coffee mug in your new place. Colour-coded labels for different rooms can also be a game-changer, especially when unloading. You’ll know exactly where each box goes, and so will your movers.
Imagine arriving at your new home, surrounded by mountains of boxes, and realising you can’t find your toothbrush or phone charger. Avoid this chaos by putting together an ‘essentials’ box. Pack everyday items like toiletries, a kettle, chargers, some snacks, and a fresh change of clothes. This box should be the last thing loaded and the first thing you unpack.
A smooth move starts with the right help. Booking your movers in advance not only gets you the best date but also reduces the chance of a last-minute scramble. Look for a company like DNS Removals, with strong customer reviews and clear, upfront pricing. Make sure they’re experienced, insured, and able to handle your specific moving needs.
Before you start dismantling your entertainment system or computer setup, snap some photos. Taking a picture of all those cable connections will make reassembling things at the new place far less frustrating. Trust me—future, you will be thankful when you’re hooking up the TV in record time.
This one’s a great trick: pack plates vertically, like vinyl records. They’re less likely to break compared to stacking them flat. Make sure to use plenty of padding between each one—towels or clothing can work just as well as bubble wrap.
Books, canned goods, or other dense items belong in small boxes. A massive box full of books might seem efficient—until you try to lift it. Keep the heavier stuff in smaller containers, and save the larger boxes for lighter, bulkier things like bedding or towels. It’ll make carrying things a lot easier for everyone involved.
Your passport, important documents, jewellery—these aren’t things you want in the back of a moving van. Keep them with you, preferably in a bag you’ll have on hand throughout the move. That way, there’s no risk of them getting misplaced or damaged.
You’ll need fuel on a moving day. Make sure you have snacks and drinks handy for you and anyone helping with the move. Moving takes energy—having a stash of quick, easy-to-grab snacks, along with plenty of water, will keep everyone going strong. Plus, it’s just nice to have something to look forward to when you’re in the middle of all that lifting.
We know, we said ten tips—but here’s an extra one for good measure. Moving rarely goes perfectly to plan. The more flexible you are, the less stressed you’ll be if things don’t happen exactly as expected. Maybe the movers are running a little late, or perhaps the weather doesn’t cooperate. Just remember—you’re getting it done, and by the end of it, you’ll be settled into a fresh new space.
If you have pets, moving can be especially challenging for them. Consider arranging for a pet sitter on moving day or keeping them in a quiet room until everything is loaded. This helps to minimise their stress and keeps them safe while doors are constantly opening and closing.
Another helpful idea is to keep a list of what’s in each box. Number the boxes and create a note on your phone or a piece of paper listing the contents of each one. It takes a bit of extra effort while packing but will save you so much time when you need to find specific items later on.
If you’re moving into an apartment building, make sure to check if you need to reserve the lift in advance. Many buildings require booking to avoid conflicts with other residents. Sorting this out beforehand will help everything go more smoothly on the day.
Moving house doesn’t need to be a headache. With a bit of preparation, the right help, and a sense of humour, you can make it a smooth experience. Whether it’s about starting early with packing or making sure you’ve got some snacks lined up for the big day, it’s all about being practical and staying calm. DNS Removals is here to make sure the heavy lifting is taken care of. Just take these tips to heart, and you’ll be well on your way to a stress-free move.
Good luck with your move—you’ve got this! If you need more help or want to chat about your moving plans, you know where to find us at DNS Removals. We’re here to make it all a bit easier.